(Cache-Control) Gulf-Soft | The best

The best

Specially designed to help you to manage your organization puchases, sales, suppliers and customers

Ready for ZATCA second stage of electronic invoice in KSA

This software is specially designed to help you make the right decisions and manage your organization and follow-up purchase and sales transactions, warehouses and everything related to the items of expire dates or serial numbers of the products as well as follow-up transfers between branches and deficits in transfers and who is the responsible. The possibility use "Metrologic ScanPal" in warehouse inventories and admitted to the program. Designed three versions of the program to suit the size of your company, they are (silver - Gold - Diamond) and a special version for companies that trade in ceramics.

User Interface

  • Friendly user graphic interface GUI.
  • Simultaneously bilingual [Arabic / English].
  • Keyboard shortcuts that speed up the work.
  • Allows you to Customize user interface.
  • Allows you to Customize reports.

Application Features

  • Multiple branches.
  • Multiple warehouses for each branch.
  • Warehouse, Safes, Sales and Purchases modules.
  • Supports both credit and dept sales.
  • Salesmen and Points of Sales POS.
  • Different payment methods (cash, check, credit cards, ...).
  • Handle multiple currencies exchange rate.
  • Items reorder and expire dates support.
  • Multiple Item units.
  • Bar-code read and print.
  • Supports different store methods (FIFO, LIFO, Moving average).
  • Supports Items Serial No.
  • Integrates with Partner General Ledger.

Running Environment

  • Microsoft Windows.
  • No special hardware required.
  • MySql database server (included with application).
  • Power failure auto recovery.
  • Easy data backup/restore procedure.
  • Runs on local machine, LAN or WAN.
  • Multi user with different security levels based on rules privileges.

Contact Us

Dear our client, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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